
About Our Team

Osteopathic Manual Practitioners

Osteopathy Oakville

Do you want your body to feel, move and perform better? Osteopathy can get you there.

Beginning with a thorough intake of your past and current health combined with a subsequent physical assessment, our osteopathic practitioners carefully synthesize this information in order to execute an efficient, effective treatment plan.

Consistently used as an alternative to medications and surgery, osteopathy involves techniques such as targeted gentle pressure application and patient-specific stretches. 

As a result, the area of concern is provided with stimulation and eventual healing.

The osteopathic method is frequently used for treating acute and chronic pain, digestive issues, muscle spasms and postural problems.

Safe for people of all ages, find out if osteopathy is right for you by speaking with one of our passionate Oakville osteopathic practitioners for FREE right here

Our Team

Nantha is a manual osteopathic practitioner based in the Kefi Wellness Center, Oakville. She was a Registered Nurse (RPN) and Yoga Therapist (M.SC in Yoga). She finished her undergrad B.Sc. Kinesiology from York University and received her diploma in osteopathy (manual practice) from the National Academy of Osteopathy on the Toronto Campus.

Nantha’s colleagues and patients know her as a practitioner who blends a strong scientific and engineering education with a holistic approach to life and osteopathy. This mix of science and intuition allows her to get to the root of the matter in a systematic and intensive way to help patients achieve freedom from pain.

To foster health and well-being, she draws on her deep understanding of osteopathic philosophy and its principles, along with a variety of effective osteopathic techniques.

Nantha applies her growing knowledge of traditional osteopathy, with its emphasis on the balance of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of human existence, to advance the health of her patients. While recognizing the importance of patients’ apparent physical discomfort, she will also give thorough attention to patients’ emotional states.

It’s a refined and precise application of energy and science that leads to greater improvements in health. Nantha has extensive formal training in visceral, cranial sacral and classical osteopathy, as well as continued experience as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, which enables her to provide the highest clinical treatment and care to her clients.

Nantha could help her clients with the following conditions: bladder incontinence, uterus misalignment, prostate issues, constipation, post-surgical scar removal, hiatal hernia, liver and gallbladder problems, balance pericardium ligaments, trachea misalignment, TMJ misalignment, sinuses opening, vertigo, headaches, migraines (cranial and visceral), anxiety, depression, osteoarthritis of hips, knees, sacroiliac joint, disk herniation, sciatica, frozen shoulder (even severe cases), disks protrusion (tingling sensation in the fingers), neck misalignment, newborn full body evaluation, pregnancy issues from the 1st to the last day and so on.



9:00 am – 9:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm

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